
Google Classroom Will Soon be Available in Multiple Indian Languages

By Nitesh Kumar

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Google Classroom Will Soon be Available in Multiple Indian Languages

Google launched Google Classroom to make online studying an easier, Almost every university and the schools have now adopted the online mode of teaching to their students. Google, one of the biggest tech companies in the world keeps working on new products and solutions to solve people’s everyday problem.

The basic aim of the app is to help students and teacher to communicate easily, submit assignments, and grade them.

In a new google blog post , Google has equipped the Google Classroom with multiple Indian languages Bengali, Telugu, Urdu, Marathi, and Tamil have been added to the Google Classroom but the feature is not yet launched so the users will have to wait for a little more time to see the support of more languages

There are more features coming to the google classroom app, arriving in September:

  1. Prohibit participants from joining meetings after they’ve been ejected or after they’ve been denied entry twice (launching later this month).
  2. End meetings for all participants when class is finished.
  3. Manage join requests with ease by accepting or rejecting them in bulk.
  4. Disable in-meeting chat and set restrictions on who can present during a meeting.
  5. Lock meetings until the moderator joins.

More interactivity in Meet

Opportunities for interactivity are critical for distance learning and we’re sharing new features to increase engagement with your students virtually

  1. A larger tiled views with a 7×7 grid so you can see up to 49 students at once.
  2. A collaborative whiteboard with Jamboard in Meet so you can encourage students to share ideas and try creative approaches to lessons

Launching in October

  • Blur or replace backgrounds so everyone feels more comfortable during distance-learning classes. Note: Admins can disable custom backgrounds as needed.
  • Attendance tracking to see and track which students attended virtual class (G Suite Enterprise for Education)
  • Breakout rooms so educators can split classes into simultaneous small group discussions (G Suite Enterprise for Education)

Launching later this year

  • Hand-raising to help you identify students who may need help or have a question
  • Q&A features to provide a way for students to ask questions without disrupting the flow of the class discussion or lesson, and polling to engage students to share their voice (G Suite Enterprise for Education)
  • New, easier ways to join classes
  • In addition to sharing course join codes, educators can now share a link to join classes with a single click. Link-sharing allows educators to share classes anywhere they communicate with students, including in messaging platforms such as WhatsApp.

Nitesh Kumar

Hi, I'm Nitesh Singh an aspiring blogger with an obsession for all things tech and loves to share unbiased thoughts on latest technology


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